AppQuantum at PGC London 2022 and WN Berlin'22

AppQuantum at PGC London 2022 and WN Berlin'22

Victoria Beliaeva, our Head of BizDev, will present AppQuantum at PGC London 2022 on February 14-15. 

Victoria will present her speak about tough publisher/developer relationships and how to overcome problems there. 

Join and listen on February 15 at 11:50 (GMT+0)! 

And if you want to meet Victoria and discuss some business: feel free to book a meeting! 

Also, yesterday our Head of BizDev, Victoria Beliaeva, at WN Berlin'22, shared valuable insights on how to get your game noticed by publishers. 

In this lecture, there were many valuable hints for developers that may help get the game noticed, even if publishers aren't knocking at your door by themselves. 

Stay tuned for the recording of her speech. We will share it as soon as it is possible :)