AppQuantum Deconstructs Dinosaur Park for How Innovation is Transforming Dinosaur Park - Jurassic Tycoon

AppQuantum Deconstructs Dinosaur Park for How Innovation is Transforming Dinosaur Park - Jurassic Tycoon

Codigames is known as a company with many successful experiments in the mobile idle tycoon games niche. Their approach to settings and content was very interesting, and we decided to deconstruct one of their games — Dinosaur Park - Jurassic Tycoon. This project had a long way to worldwide release and now looks completely different from the first version. But why?

Artyom Bereza and Oleg Lomakov, our game designers, made an analysis and told everything they know about Dinosaur Park - Jurassic Tycoon in this article.

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We pROOOOOOARmise, it would be interesting!