WARNING: Scammers Impersonating AppQuantum

WARNING: Scammers Impersonating AppQuantum

We've been alerted to fraudulent activities conducted by individuals falsely representing themselves as AppQuantum. These fraudsters are using our company's name and name themselves as our employees to deceive people. They aim to entice individuals with misleading links and counterfeit websites for their financial gain.

Please be reminded that AppQuantum has only one official website: appquantum.com. We also maintain a subdomain for our new program: hybridcasual.appquantum.com. Any other websites are fraudulent!

Furthermore, our employees communicate exclusively through email addresses ending in our domain (@appquantum.com). They would never use any other email addresses for official correspondence.

We don't endorse or promote any get-rich-quick schemes, and we never offer employment without proper interviews and resume reviews!

AppQuantum urges everyone to remain vigilant. Avoid registering on suspicious websites, as scammers could misuse your information for illegal activities. Please scrutinize every message and email you receive and refrain from engaging with questionable offers.

If you have any doubts or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us at hi@appquantum.com or visit our official website at appquantum.com. We will do our best to assist you.

Stay cautious and protect yourself from potential scams.

Sincerely yours,